Is it Love Or Control?

One said : " If you love me , and you do what I ask? " If so , I think he felt like a " guilt ." " If you love me , I must do what I want " is to control . Just the fear of the person and not love , and this is a common form of exploitation of people love this concept .

For example , when Steve and Amy , who were not interested in the practice of religious rites married . Two years later, Steve suddenly said Lamy : " I want you to celebration of the Sabbath on Saturday. Do not want us or anyone else who works here on that day . " Said Steve Amy , a free spirit , was surprised that she was never considered , and there was a discussion and when he protested " .. If you love me , do it for me."

Needless to say Amy was angry . She loved her husband , and I felt it was his objections to the application of the love affair nothing. Since influenced your desire , and he felt it was appropriate that were included in the decision . You can relate to Amy ?

It would have been different if Steve contacted his wife with his wishes , and I asked him how he felt about it. Together , they can find a win-win solution . It is a healthy couple in love . When you are emotionally mature and really love someone , you want them to be very happy .

Otherwise, without consulting her husband , Tom , Gabriel left her job with a view to enroll in college classes . The couple bought a house on the basis of your income at the same time . Tom was angry because he was told after the fact, and was overwhelmed with all the expenses . Said Tom Gabriel to get a second job . "If you love me ," he said, " who supported me to follow my dream. "

Auto mechanic was extremely irritated . He returned to his home the evening tired from his long day of work and had no desire to pursue employment other . However , Tom felt guilty for not wanting his wife to go to college at that time. However , I would like to Amy discussed their wishes and submit a request rather than demand . There were other options, including part-time work or wait a few years until they have a more solid financial basis .

In both cases , ongoing relationships is vital health . Love and control on the other side of the emotional spectrum . The control is based on fear and love is love obviously based . True love is unconditional , and not have to continue to prove that we love our partners . We always want to talk together and make decisions as a couple , not one-sided .

I think if you said your partner , " If you love me , you'll do what I say , " you can reply , "I love you , and we will discuss this situation , brainstorm , and see how we are both comfortable with what we have decided . It is necessary for a healthy relationship .

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