Is Romance a Thing of the Past?

Remember your first love? That feeling you used to get in the pit of the stomach, where it felt as if I had a million butterflies trying to break free ? Every time he passed the palms and sweat , pulse, and was stuttering like an idiot would start .

It seems that in today's society , this feeling disappeared. We see the romance and sex as if it were a common thing . Movies, ads in magazines and reality TV depict these things everywhere. This emphasis on sex did we lose that youthful innocence that was present a few decades ago ? Young women used to get excited about the fact that the teen would try to attract with flowers and gifts. You could hear the stories of their grandparents about how they met and all that followed pursuers. He looked so romantic and exciting air and could not wait to be this girl with a handsome young man after his affections .

In this modern world, however, these actions are rare. Songs where women are called vulgar names and television depict women as a sex toy that can be used is heard. Even magazines have articles that seek to learn about the latest sex position or how to turn a man. Of course, we wanted to be treated as equals , but in turn , we became just a hobby . Our young generation is growing much faster than expected . At 13 years old, who are already concerned about the opposite as if they were in their 20s sex. When they reach the right age to start really thinking about a serious relationship, and grew bored of them. So we turn to romance novels . They intrigue us with their stories of love and dating . We want something similar to us , but we started to think that anyone in this world as well . It seems that we 've been through them and not once anything remotely like that found .

We can not keep our locked around them every day children, but what else are we supposed to do? We have control over what they are already doing ? Are we setting a bad example by exposing them to all documents related to adults or is it the way it should be ? If our generation is aware of these things, or do we wait until they are more mature ?

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