The Personality of Love

If love was a person , how we might define her personality ? Indeed, there is a very simple answer , the person of Jesus Christ - God is love - can come to know the personality of love, carpenter happens is to control your life. The person who was both human and God incarnate love of the nature of time , and maybe this love was a central quality which, once fed, make love, this is love.

This character quality is safety, the ability to create people the feeling of a safe haven through us. Certainly not the one who came to Jesus in humility might have feared . He was meek ​​and lowly in heart, and took care of people with kindness and grace - especially that of others. He was safe with him . And the Spirit of God is sure to be there today.

Our lesson if we want to be more loving , is to become more accessible, friendly , and really safe to be around.

We can not be good to love others if there is a threat that can harm us. The way to go beyond being hurt is to do our healing work with the Lord. When we are left with no stone unturned in relation to our fears , failures and shortcomings of the devil set up and cause enough chaos that we can not be safe for others.

We can not be sure for others if we are sure of ourselves first.

We got us pretty sure that children come to us without hesitation - and for good reason. Too many children , however, have approached or been coaxed by adults who are not trustworthy. Too many children are and have been abused. Of course , violence is exactly the opposite of love .

The person who can love has its internal work to a point where they can be themselves without having to wear a mask.

The personality of love can be described in one word : security. The reliability of the safety caution , another mentality , and perhaps most importantly , is what makes us stand for just cause . It would be nice to relax in a secure environment.

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