Let go of your partner with love

One of the hardest things to everyone, man or woman , is to abandon the relationship that is not meant to be . Often cling to the illusion that this person is "the one " for us , and if we do not have him , no one will ever find someone new .

Stick to the disappointment , pain , guilt , anger and resentment and bitterness , we convince ourselves that " all men are stupid ," or " all women are whores . "

If you just got a relationship and hosts a lot of resentment towards your partner or against the opposite sex , this is not the time to start dating again . Anger and bitterness to poison even the most loving relationship .

When we carry luggage completion of the project last pain for other relationships in our lives - our families , children, and perhaps our new partners .

Often rooted our emotional baggage in our relations with the parents of our own , or bad relationships we had in the past. We need to relieve our pregnancy and heal our pain before we can love again .

Some of the practices to be cultivated in order to heal are:

· Radical personal responsibility : taking responsibility for the role he played in their relationship , or take insufficient did not move together or wait measures also . Stop blaming your partner . You own your feelings , so you can change them.

· Self-Awareness : Is it repeating patterns in your relationships ? Do you tend to get in touch with abusive people , or to become violent ? Be aware of your reactions to people and situations. Learn how to identify trends and unhealthy beliefs that cause them .

· Acceptance: accepting yourself and your partner that you are . Accept the fact that the relationship was not meant to be , it does not work because it was not the highest and best .

· Forgiveness : Learning to forgive all the damage that has caused anger and pain , and to forgive others for the person and work of anger and pain.

· Gratitude : Be thankful that you are a bad relationship , so you can be with someone more suitable for your needs . Be grateful for all the lessons I learned from your partner .

· Mercy : learn to look at all people as human beings who are dealing with their own pain . Spend some time to see the world through their eyes and become less important.

· Detachment : learn to give up unhealthy attachments to people and things and situations.

· Independence : Stop waiting for others to give love and acceptance should be given to you. Learn to meet your needs , and expectations aside, and enter the interdependent relationship healthy.

· Optimism : optimism is not necessary , but it makes life much easier. And upbeat , positive attitude , and we believe that everything happens for good , it can help you to recover the loss. They do not have confidence that the best is yet to come .

It takes a lot of tears, a lot of work , and insight to break the chains of the past. But worth every minute ! A feeling of freedom and joy that you experience is just great .

Get rid of your anger and pain will help you stop blaming others for your pain and you can see his former partner as they really are - a wonderful human being , be sensitive to the ability to love, care and deep as you are wrong .

Will be on the love life again , to see the beauty in each experiment , less important and open to new relationships.

Do not waste time in a relationship. Ever experience a lesson , and that when the lesson will progress to the next level and science . So stop beating yourself up for all the years "lost" only " the loser ."

If this does not work , and maybe it was not meant to be. You can not force someone to love you , and you can not force commitment or marriage. Here are the steps that should happen naturally when it feels so right for two people.

(Songs of Love and sad ) Contrary to popular opinion love does not intend to hurt . If you are in pain , what you're experiencing is not love , but dependency or codependency. Often we fall in love , not with your partner , but with the idea of ​​falling in love .

It is best to let go of a relationship that is causing the pain. Instead of wallowing in the past and write their own sad love song , do your interior , and get rid of the anger and disappointment and move forward in your life .

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